TikTok Priest
French priest - Father Matthew Jasseron - Influencer

TikTok Priest
On the social network TikTok, French priest, Father Matthew Jasseron offers a startling estimate: every time a Christian recites the "Our Father", it is statistically probable that 6,655 other people in the world are accompanying him/her.
With his 370,000 followers, Father Matthieu is a popular personality on TikTok.
He regularly publishes videos in which he speaks with humour about priests, Catholics, even offering coaching for Lent.
In a video posted on February 24, he does a little arithmetical exercise that leads him to conclude that on average, when a Christian recites the "Our Father," 6,655 people around the world are reciting it along with him/her.
A day is 60 minutes multiplied by 24 hours, or 1,440 minutes. On earth, there are 2.3 billion Christians. Even if only 10% of them recite the "Our Father" once a day, since it takes about thirty seconds to recite it, this means that each time someone prays those words, on average another 6,655 people across the world also raise this prayer to God in harmony, regardless of the language.
Shouldn’t this com-union among Christians worldwide create a wonderful sensation?