Prayer to the Holy Spirit

O Holy Spirit, my Lord and my God,
I adore you and humbly acknowledge here in your presence that I am nothing,
and can do nothing, without your operating within me.
Come, great Paraclete, Father of the poor, Comforter of the blest,
fulfill the promise of our Savior, who would not leave us orphans,
and enter my mind and heart as you descended on the day of Pentecost
upon the Mother of Jesus and on his first disciples.
Grant that I may have a share of those gifts which you granted them.
Take from my heart all that is not pleasing to you
and make of it a worthy dwelling place for Jesus.
Illumine my mind, that I may see and understand
the things that are for my eternal welfare.
Inflame my heart with pure love of the Father, that,
cleansed from attachment to all unworthy objects,
my whole life may be hidden with Jesus in God.
Help me to practice the virtues of humility, poverty, and obedience
which are exemplified in the earthly life of Jesus.
Descend upon me, O mighty Spirit, so that,
inspired and encouraged by you,
I may faithfully fulfill the duties of my state in life,
carry my daily cross with patience and courage,
and accomplish the Father's will for me more perfectly.
Make me, day by day, more holy
and grant me that heavenly peace which the world cannot give.
O Holy Spirit, Giver of every good and perfect gift,
please grant me answers to my prayers.
May the Father's will be done in me and through me.
And may you be praised and glorified for ever and ever. Amen.