Youth and Family Ministry

Religious education is beneficial in the life of young...

Jane Cooley Fruehwirth, professor at UNC (University of North Carolina), is the co-author of the research "Religion and Depression...

2019 Panama WYD Album

WYD report

Carlo Acutis - next teenage role model

Soon To Be Beatified, Italian Teenager is a ‘Model Of Sanctity’ - Jonathan Luxmoore

Why should teenagers go on retreat?

What's the point of sending young people on retreat? They go to a place where everything is ideal, not real. They return "high on...

A family drama

A story to initiate discussion on how to manage family tensions

The next World Youth Days

Themes of the WYDs - for planning & remote preparation

Saint Dominic Savio

A holy teenager

Playground as HOLY-Ground-Place to pray

Lord, all of creation is your wonderful playground, and every one of us is your beloved playful child. Lord you invite us to play...

The Playground as HOLY-Ground

Play is at the centre of the Christian youth minister’s presence among young people. It is a spiritual attitude which regards creation...

Christ is Alive - Chritus Vivit

2019 Letter of Pope Francis to the Youth - abridged for easy reading

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